No New Clothes For 90 Days - Challenge

No New Clothes For 90 Days - Challenge

No New Clothes for 90 Days: Diary Update #1

Starting this challenge has been an eye-opener! Here's what I've experienced so far:

Week 1-2: The Excitement Phase

I began with enthusiasm, ready to tackle this no-shopping challenge head-on. The first step was discovering that I needed to reorganize my closet. I’m still in the process of doing this, but with the little that I have done, it feels refreshing to de-clutter and thrift clothes that I am no longer wearing. My closet is not huge by any means but I am starting to get a better idea of what I own, and I have found a few forgotten pieces which felt like discovering hidden gems.

The Temptation

If I’m going to be perfectly honest temptation started during the second week. I received several promotional emails from my favorite stores and noticed all the summer sales happening. To resist, I unsubscribed from a few mailing lists and started avoiding going to my favorite stores.  

Need to Get Creative

I have now challenged myself to create outfits using items I haven’t worn in a while. This exercise will help me rediscover my wardrobe and also push me towards thinking more creatively about wardrobe styling in groups. I will let you know how this goes as I have just started but I am going to call my first wardrobe group - Causal wear at home office.

Reflecting on Habits

These first two weeks have been all about reflection. I noticed how often I used to shop out of habit or for emotional reasons rather than necessity. Not buying anything new has made me more mindful of my spending habits and the true value of the clothes I already own!


Rediscovering old favorites: I found some great pieces I now call hidden gems

Less clutter: My closet is starting to feel more organized, but I still have a ways to go.

Creative outfits: Mixing and matching has breathed a bit of new life into my wardrobe.


Avoiding sales: It’s tough to ignore promotions, especially during the summer and when your inbox is bombarded with mail from your favorite stores.

Moving Forward

I'm feeling positive and committed to seeing this challenge through. My focus for the next few weeks will be to continue de-cluttering and exploring the versatility of my wardrobe. I plan on adding more wardrobe groupings to my closet beyond the Casual Wear At Home Office pairings. I aim to have an organized closet and a mindful approach towards clothing. And I want to be able to grab an outfit for whatever the occasion and not be stressed about what to wear!

Stay tuned for Diary Update # 2 on August 14th: "Closet Cleanout: Embracing Slow Fashion and Letting Go of Fast Fashion Habits"

Thanks for reading, And don't forget to hurry and get your special gift for being an email subscriber

Hare & Rose

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